Download and Watch The Invention of Lying HD Movie | A comedy set in a world where no one has ever lied, until a writer seizes the opportunity for personal gain.
Download and Watch The Invention of Lying HD Movie - It's a world where everyone tells the truth - and just about anything they're thinking. Mark Bellison is a screenwriter, about to be fired. He's short and chunky with a flat nose - a genetic setup that means he won't get to first base with Anna, the woman he loves. At a bank, on the spur of the moment he blurts out a fib, with eye-popping results. Then, when his mother's on her deathbed, frightened of the eternal void awaiting her, Mark invents fiction. The hospital staff overhear his description of Heaven, believe every word, and tell others. Soon Mark is a prophet, his first inventive screenplay makes him rich, and he's basically a good guy. But will that be enough for Anna?
Satiric, smart, sassy, and most of all subversive.
Sublimely funny, slyly satirical and deliberately designed to upset Aunt Prissy, The Invention of Lying weaves quite a wicked web.
I'll bemoan the ending forever (or until they change it on DVD), but right now I'm still wondering how a movie with this radical a subtext got made at all.
His comedy pretends to be unthreatening, a harmless little wheeze, and then pushes the envelope to its logical conclusion.
Download and Watch The Invention of Lying HD Movie
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