Download Aliens in the Attic Full Movie Online | A group of kids must protect their vacation home from invading aliens.
Download Aliens in the Attic Full Movie Online - Stuart Pearson heads with his family to spend a summer vacation in Creek Landing, Michigan, with his brother Nathan Pearson and his sons and their mother Rose in an old lake house they had rented. When the television has trouble with the image, Stuart's son Tom and the arrogant boyfriend of his sister Ricky Dillman go to the attic and then to the roof, where Tom meets his cousin Jake and they find the antenna dish totally destroyed. Sooner they discover four alien invaders that are preparing an invasion of the Earth that use a mind control weapon that only affects adults and they lock the quartet in the attic. Now they need to a find a way to force the adults to leave the house and discover the vulnerability of the invaders to plot a defense plan to save our planet.
High energy levels and some genuinely hilarious set pieces make this kids' alien-invasion romp a lot more fun than expected. It's not, erm, rocket science, but it's a thoroughly entertaining ride from start to finish.
What it lacks in originality and creativity it makes up for with action and a talented cast that breathes life into its thinly drawn characters.
A surprisingly likable execution of a very thin premise
The extraterrestrials get title billing but Hoffman steals the show.
I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone over the age of fifteen who isn't trying to relive their youth from the 1980s.
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