Download and Watch Fame Movie HD Full | An updated version of the 1980 musical, which centered on the students of the New York Academy of Performing Arts.
Download and Watch Fame Movie HD Full - The four years in the lives of some students in one class, from their entrance audition to their graduation, at New York City's High School for the Performing Arts (P.A.) is presented. Upon their entrance, the disparate group have a few things in common: they've got "big dreams" and they "want fame". Some have natural talent, some have had to obtain talent through hard work and training, and some show only some promise which the teachers hope will materialize into true talent. Some have full support from their parents, some have support from their parents but only for the parents' specific dreams, and some have little or no parental support whatsoever. Some have formal training, some not. Some are confident of what they can do, some believe they are limited and are at school to expand those talents, while others have no confidence whatsoever. And some are clear about where they want to "be" after graduation, while some want to explore whatever other opportunities may arise for them ...
A terrific score coupled with exciting choreography, tight editing and a talented cast make Fame a joyous and upbeat experience.
Burnett's script almost sinks Fame, but the voice of Naturi Naughton, the heart of Dutton, and the energy of Tancharoen give it a pulse. Fame is erratic, but it definitely has a beat.
The film does deliver a commendable message about the importance of talent and hard work as opposed to instant, Pop Idol-style celebrity.
Pleasant, undemanding entertainment for drama-club kids and the people who love them -- a family-friendly salute to young performing artists.
It's almost fatally modest. But it has a sweet spirit, and it offers only one true moment of inadvertent camp: a (lame) finale featuring an African dance routine completely at odds with all the white bread we've just been served.
Download and Watch Fame Movie HD Full
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