Jennifer's Body Download Movie Online | A newly possessed high school cheerleader turns into a succubus who specializes in killing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
Jennifer's Body Download Movie Online - Nerdy, reserved bookworm Needy Lesnicki, and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer Check are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip.
Think Mean Girls making out with Teen Wolf on the set of The Faculty. Or something.
Diablo Cody and director Karyn Kusama seem less interested in cheap scares than in something more substantive: exploring the purgatorial existence of teens caught between being kids and adults.
The film itself isn't that great ... [but] underneath all of the stuff that doesn't quite work is a film about teenage girl best friends that is spectacular.
If the supernaturally good-looking Fox hadn't been cast as the titular succubus, the film might be a bit less compelling than its present good-but-not-great incarnation.
Tonally inconsistent, at least it errs on the side of ambition and cleverness; its box-office failure suggests that male genre fans don't want to be asked to identify with the victims instead of the menace.
Jennifer's Body Download Movie Online
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